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codex Sinaiticus: An Inspiring Story from Sinai Peninsuala critical for Biblical Scholars
Dr. Dan Wallace - Tischendorf and the Discovery of the Codex Sinaiticus
Is Codex Sinaiticus Authentic?
Does Sinaiticus lead to faith?
5 THE GOSPEL THAT DIDN'T MAKE IT INTO THE BIBLE! Buried for 1,600 Years | Bible Stories
The Book that Almost Made it into the Bible
Egypt History New Documentary: From Mount Sinai to Ancient Luxor
Treasures of the Sinai Desert - Nina Glibetić
Creating Christ: How Rome Invented Christianity | Documentary
Forbidden Knowledge: Why The Shepherd of Hermas Was Banned!
Holy Ground - St. Catherine's Monastery on Mt. Sinai with Fr. Justin Sinaites
Has God Spoken? 14 - How Did We Get the New Testament?